Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Direct referral by the case manager or nurse of the service unit


Service Mission and Goal

Through the provision of assessment, direct treatment, consultation, training and educational activities to assist aging members with speech, feeding and swallowing problems, their family members/caregivers can overcome the obstacles in daily life. Also, assisting the aging members to maintain their limited communication and speech skills, so as to retain their living ability


Target Group

Persons from district support centers subsidized by rehabilitation services, hostel for the severely intellectual disabilities persons, hostel for the moderately intellectual disabilities people, assisted hostels, and hostels for the severely physically disabled aging members, family members/carer and staff


Service Highlights

Cover clinical and educational services for individual and unit level, as follows

  • Case screening and evaluation
  • Individual treatment and training
  • Case consultation
  • Provide education and support services for family members/carers/related staff



Direct referral by the case manager or nurse of the service unit



The member has left the current service, or the member’s progress is stable, and there is no further physiotherapy services required


Service Fee

Not applicable